Format of the Speaking Section
The IELTSin1Month IELTS Speaking Course helps students prepare for the Speaking section of the IELTS test.
The Speaking test for the Academic test and General test is the same. The speaking section will be completed on a different day from the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections. You can complete the Speaking Section up to one week before or after the other sections of the test.
You will be provided with 11 to 14 minutes for the speaking section.
Part 1 – is where the examiner will ask general questions about yourself and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies, and interests. This part will be between four (4) and five (5) minutes.
- Part 1 of the Speaking section focuses on communicating opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences or situations through a range of questions.
Part 2 – is where the examiner will give you a card and you will speak about a particular topic. You will be provided with one (1) minute to prepare and up to two (2) minutes for speaking. The examiner may ask you one (1) or two (2) questions on the same topic.
- Part 2 of the Speaking section focuses on the ability to speak at length on a given topic while using appropriate language and organizing ideas coherently.
Part 3 – is where the examiner will ask you further questions regarding the topic in part 2 and you will be able to discuss more abstract ideas and issues. This part will be between four (4) to five (5) minutes.
- Part 3 of the test focuses on expressing and justifying opinions to analyze, discuss and speculate about issues.
While marking the speaking section, the assessor will focus on fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.
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